Posts Tagged ‘collective unconscious’


Possible Thoughts on Time and Synchronicity

October 28, 2010


Possible Thoughts on Time and Synchronicity

June 18, 2010

Possible Thoughts on Time and Synchronicity

Maybe time does actually move backwards as some say.  As in, I already am who I will be.  I started by knowing that, being that.  Not as a baby, but as what we would label “the end” or “final product.” And then I wrote the story backwards, making it as interesting as possible.  As if writing a book for myself, knowing where it is headed, starting with the last scene, constructing it backwards from there in ways more and more abstract, more and more interesting, so that one day while time was moving forward, I would wake up and take a look and be unable to deny how magical and perfect it’s all been.  And that day I would let go and know beyond knowing and trust in my deepest core that the rest will be even more magical and wonderful and perfectly laid out, because it already has been.  It’s already been done.  It’s already done.  I can relax and pay attention to how interesting I made the story, with full knowledge that it is going where it is.  There is no missing the mark, there is only enjoying everything that elapsed and came together to create being the mark.  Time moved backwards so it could simply experience and enjoy moving forwards again.

Jen Toussant, HHP

reading list:

Jed Mckenna

Robert Scheinfeld

Richard Bartlett



Improving Running Form, Efficiency, & Enjoyment with Matrix Energetics

October 26, 2010

Improving Running Form, Efficiency, & Enjoyment with Matrix Energetics

Matrix Energetics is a Consciousness Technology that helps people tap into the zero point field, the field of unlimited potential.  It feels good, transforms lives, and helps a lot of people in ways

we could not have predicted or even imagined.

The physics of Matrix Energetics are based in quantum and scalar physics.

However, Matrix Energetics is much like Fire… you can study the physics of Fire, even get a PhD in it,

but until you have actually experienced Fire (touched it!), you have no idea what Fire actually is.

This is why in our presentation we talk about Matrix Energetics and explain some of the physics supporting it,

but then, more importantly, we demonstrate it for the group so you have a firsthand experience of it.

We will also be covering a few key components of what Ralph calls “running for free.”

These subtle adjustments to running form, as well as Matrix Energetics, not only make your training

easier and reduce the chance of injuries, but will make every run more fun and effortless.

Curious? Confused? Perplexed?

Come play with us in the Matrix Energetics Field and tap into the Science and Art of Transformation!

Mission Hills Physical Therapy

928 Ft. Stockton Dr., Suite 201, San Diego, CA 92103

Wednesday, November 3rd, 7-9pm

Ralph Havens PT  & Jen Toussant HHP

20 SPOTS AVAILABLE – PLEASE RSVP to 619.543.1470




Matrix Energetics – Demonstration and Group Transformation – October 29th, 2010

October 11, 2010

click on the calendar link to see the listing.

Jen, Danielle, Brandon and I will demonstrating Matrix Energetics at the People’s Coop in Ocean Beach, CA on Oct 29th at 6 pm. Seating is limited to 14.
you can rsvp at 619.543.1470

San Diego’s best in organic produce & customer service–everyone is welcome! Also offering organic and natural grocery, dairy, perishable, bulk, deli, vitamin, herb, cruelty-free bodycare, and aromatherapy products.



Free Classes- Mission Hills Physical Therapy San Diego – Health Coaching

August 15, 2010

Free Events at Mission Hills Physical Therapy, while Kimberly Burnham, PhD is in San Diego

Kimberly Burnham, PhD is working at Mission Hills Physical Therapy for 2 weeks at the end of August. Call 619-543-1470 for an appointment or to schedule time to observe and work with her. There is more information on her webstie

Aug 18, 2010 Community Evening – Learn how to use information, visualization and your own hands to achieve Comfortable Movement and Deep Sleep

Aug 18, 2010 at Mission Hills Physical Therapy 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Come play and learn with Kimberly Burnham, Ralph Havens and Jen Toussant.

This evening is open to anyone with an interest in self healing.

Call 619-543-1470 to sign up for this Free Event.

It will include the Transformation Shift Module Musculoskeletal System 07 (a $30 dollar value).

Morphic Field of Comfortable Sleep, Movement and Function

From the Mayo Fibromyalgia Program comes this information: 98% of the people with fibromyalgia had used some type of Complementary medicine therapy during the previous 6 months. “The 10 most frequently used CAM treatments were exercise for a specific medical problem (48%), spiritual healing (45%), massage therapy (44%), chiropractic treatments (37%), vitamin C (35%), vitamin E (31%), magnesium (29%), vitamin B complex (25%), green tea (24%), and weight-loss programs (20%).” according to Wahner-Roedler, 2007.

This Transformational Shift Module focuses on evidence for the use of nutritional approaches; treatments that shift substance P plasma levels (acupuncture and massage therapy); modalities which affect the autonomic nervous system (Reiki, Integrative Manual Therapy), exercise, acupuncture and more.

Another article highlights the use of manual therapy to improve autonomic nervous system function, which can help a variety of conditions including fibromyalgia…… Wheeler, L. (2004). Advanced Strain Counterstrain. Massage Therapy Journal, 43 Winter(4), [Full Text]

Rheumatology Int in an article entitled Massage Therapy for Fibromyalgia symptoms, Kalichman, 2010 suggested that massage be painless, its intensity should be increased gradually from session to session, in accordance with patient’s symptoms; and the sessions should be performed at least 1-2 times a week.”

Come learn how to use this information to feel, sleep and function better, today.


Mesothelioma – Integrative medicine / therapy / Matrix Energetics Approaches

July 20, 2010 is proud to partner with practitioners of integrative therapies such as massage, reiki, and Craniosacral therapy. Integrative programs complement traditional treatments for mesothelioma cancer extremely well, and add to the efficacy of the overall treatment regimen. Often the debilitating effects of mesothelioma radiation or chemotherapy can limit the patient’s ability to recover from these treatments. When practiced in conjunction with traditional therapies, integrative techniques such as those practiced here, allow for a patient to extend not only mesothelioma prognosis, but prognoses for other aggressive malignancies.

For More information on Complimentary Alternative Medicine and Integrative Manual Therapy and Matrix Energetics as well as the research related to various diagnosis you can visit the sites below: For Matrix Energetics and Integrative Manual Therapy in San Diego CA and Vancouver BC Blog on treatment options for variety of conditions including mesothelioma, and other chronic conditions. Health Coaching and Matrix Energetics Site      Medical Research related to complimentary alternative medicine, massage and matrix energetics and diagnosis from A to Z Manual Therapy approach to mesothelioma and other diagnosis. Research Site for CAM, Massage Therapy, Research related to Matrix Energetics and Health Coaching Research site


Fibromyalgia Causes and Treatments – Integrative Medicine, Complimentary Alternative Medicine, Matrix Energetics Perspectives

July 20, 2010


by Ralph Havens, PT, OCS, IMTC

certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner

What is it?  What are the causes of it?  Has anyone ever fixed it up?  Does any one that ever had a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia have a true success story?   Has anyone been cured from Fibromyalgia?

What does Fibromyalgia mean?  Well if you break it down it is “Fibro” which means connective tissue and “my” which means muscle and “algia” which means pain.  So a big medical sounding word but all it really means is connective tissue and muscle pain.  So that doesn’t really say what it is but merely says what the symptoms are.

so what are the symptoms:

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain in muscles, ligaments and tendons, as well as fatigue and multiple tender points — places on a person’s  body where slight pressure causes pain.

Fibromyalgia occurs in about 2 percent of the population in the United States. Women are much more likely to develop the disorder than are men, and the risk of fibromyalgia increases with age. Fibromyalgia symptoms often begin after a physical or emotional trauma, but in many cases there appears to be no triggering event.

The pain associated with fibromyalgia is commonly described as constant, dull, and  aching.  It typically arising from muscles.  The pain occurs on both sides of a person’s body both above and below the waist.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by tender points. Tender point locations include:

  • Back of the head
  • Between shoulder blades
  • Top of shoulders
  • Front sides of neck
  • Upper chest
  • Outer elbows
  • Upper hips
  • Sides of hips
  • Inner knees

Fatigue and sleep disturbances
People with fibromyalgia often awaken tired, even though they seem to get plenty of sleep. Experts believe that these people rarely reach the deep restorative stage of sleep. Sleep disorders that have been linked to fibromyalgia include restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea.

Other conditions which seem to go with Fibromyalgia:


Ok so does that sound like the medical profession knows what it is and what causes it?  Not really.  Basically all western medicine has to offer is to list the symptoms and lump them together and call it a syndrome.  Not much help there.

With Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT), we have found some signs in the body that are found when someone presents with this syndrome.  They are as follows:

1.  toxicity – with IMT we can do an assessment called Myofascial Mapping to determine areas of dysfunction.  With this Mapping assessment what we have found is pathology in areas indicating Toxicity;  This includes motilities and rhythms in the body associated with infection and inflammation.

2. Lymph system problems.  We find decreased lymph flow.  Basically the toxicity is backing up and the lymph system is having a hard time cleaning it.

3.  Decreased elimination systems.  We find problems in the Liver, hepatic and portal veins, sigmoid colon, spleen and kidneys/ureters.  Basically the routes of elimination are having a hard time dumping the toxicity.

4.  Increased % of extracellular water compared to % of intracellular water.  This is due to toxicity again.  The body is trying to wall off and dilute the toxins so the cells are dehydrated and the water is more outside the cell than inside the cell.  In this case the chemical reactions in the body cells are compromised and the communication between cells is decreased.  If left unchecked this can lead to serious problems.

5.  Inflammation.  With all the above going on the body is inflamed.  The body can’t dump toxins and it gets irritated.  Then the body starts fighting the infection and toxicity and turns up the cortisol levels and adrenals.  When this happens the body is in “fight or flight” and does not heal well.

So what to do?

With IMT we have manual therapy hands on techniques to clear the above problems.  With Matrix Energetics we have a way to supercharge the IMT and help it occur faster and continuously.  Patients can continue to improve even after leaving the office.

I’m including a success story from one of our clients.  We saw her 6 visits and she had results that we see in our office.

Her Success Story:

Below is the description I wrote up about my experience with you and

Matrix Energetics.

I’m excited about the changes in my life!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written November 16, 2009:

= Miraculous


I have been a seeker of many types of transformation for as long as I

can remember.  In August of 2009, I was getting ready for a trip to

Italy and was concerned because I had a number of physical conditions

that made traveling difficult.  I wondered what to do and who to see.

My intuition told me to go see Ralph Havens P.T. I had been treated by

Ralph about 6 years prior and thought he may be able to help me again.

My concerns this time were:

•   Back pain, especially when sitting for longer than ½ hour

(sometimes less).  This was very pronounced when sitting in airplane

seats even on short flights and the trip to Italy would be 15 hours!

(was I out of my mind to consider it?)

•   Pain in both shoulders:  I was unable to carry anything over my

shoulders like a shoulder strap purse that weighed more than one pound.

•   Groin pain when doing certain Yoga moves.

•   Neck pain

I only had time for 3 appointments with Ralph before my trip.  The first

was on August 31st 2009.

I wasn’t really convinced that just 3 treatments would do any good but I

decided to give it a try.   On the first visit Ralph didn’t seem to be

doing much, just holding his hands on, over and around me in various

ways.  However I had a sense of total trust that whatever the heck he

was doing, was a good thing, so I just relaxed and went with the flow.

I later found out he was doing Matrix Energetics.

At first, I just felt deeply relaxed and then, very unexpectedly, my

body began to move on its own.  Wow!  I knew something amazing was

happening.  I didn’t know what and I didn’t care because I just knew and

trusted that it was a good thing.

On the way home, after the first treatment I felt euphoric.  Everything

seemed different.  I was happier, more at peace.  The sky was intensely

beautiful.  Something wonderful was occurring!

On the next few visits my body responded to the Matrix Energetics by

moving in some very dramatic ways.  I just let it move where it

wanted….a strange but agreeable experience.  Ralph said that some of the

things my body was doing were like advanced Qigong moves.  I wouldn’t

know, as I’ve never taken Qigong.  Also some movements occurred as if my

body were in a Chi machine.  Cool!

The movements periodically continued outside of PT as well.  It was

rather humorous to be watching TV and start moving spontaneously.  My

husband didn’t know what to think!

After the 3 treatments, I was off to Italy.  I made it on the 15 hour

flight without significant pain.  Yes I still needed pain pills and my

TENS unit, but I MADE it!  That may not sound like a miracle, but to me

it certainly was.  The longest plane trip I had previously been on was

only 6 hours. Even with pain pills and TENS, I was in significant pain

in the past.

While in Italy, I was able to carry a small backpack filled with

groceries for about 45 min.   Another miracle!  I hadn’t been able to do

anything like that in years without significant shoulder, neck and/ or

back pain

I also had times of pure, intense joy, so lovely and unexpected that

tears came to my eyes.  The joy did not have so much to do with anything

in particular that was going on, it was, rather, coming from a place

deep within me.  I have suffered from depression for many years, so this

was an amazing gift.  I’m tearing up with gratitude as I type this.

After returning from Italy, I scheduled more appointments with Ralph,

and we continued with the Matrix Energetics.

Here are some of the things I have noticed which I believe are related

to the sessions:

•   My Yoga poses are easier and I feel more flexible.

•   I have virtually no right shoulder pain.

•   Orgasms that are more intense and pleasurable than ever before

in my life.

•   I have many moments of profound joy. (more on this below)

•   The ability to go with ‘what is’ …living, experiencing and

honoring the present moment.

•   Less back pain while sitting

The lovely moments of joy that I began to notice in Italy have

continued, and occur more frequently.   It can arise at anytime,

anyplace (even doing dishes!), because it’s coming from within me and

also from an interconnectedness that is beyond me. It’s not determined

by my circumstances.

For a long time I have known, intellectually, that all the things in my

life are there for a reason and should be honored.  After the Matrix

Energetics with Ralph, however, I was able to know and experience this

on a deeper level.  One day in particular comes to mind.  I was on my

way over for a session with Ralph and I felt physically and emotionally

terrible.  I am a sensitive person.  What I mean by this is that I react

to many things in my environment in what can be considered a negative

way.  Many foods, dust, chemicals, cigarettes, perfume etc. make me feel

physically or emotionally ill.  On that day, I was reacting to something

and felt very depressed.  I said to myself, “I wish I weren’t so

sensitive!”  I immediately had an epiphany……….NO! my sensitivities are,

in part, what makes me who I am.  I would not be who I am without them

and I love who I am!  I instantly felt something flip in me and….. POOF

the depression etc. was gone.   WOW!

Ralph had taught me something, on a previous session that helped with

this process.  Which was something like:  If one feels that something in

their life needs to be changed, then ask a question like:  “How has this

been useful?”  Let it drop to your heart.  Then ask something like: “If

it were different, how would it look?”  Drop that to your heart.  Then

forget about it and let it go.  This, along with the Matrix Energetics

in general allowed me to have that profound shift.

Do I think that Ralph or Matrix Energetics has totally caused these

changes?  Yes and no.   As I said, I have been a seeker of

transformation for many years.  I see what I experience with Ralph and

Matrix Energetics to be a kind of key to a door of transformation.  I

got to the doorway but was not quite able to step across the threshold.

What I struggled to achieve before, seemed to miraculously happen with

Matrix Energetics and Ralph Havens!

Thank You!



Running Biomechanics – We’re we born to run ? How to Run with less effort –

July 15, 2010

I’ll be writing up the components of optimal running biomechanics in the next few blogs and telling you how you can download the information into your own running and see immediate results.  This post is to get you thinking about the difference between local fast runners and world class distance runners.  When you start to ask certain questions, you start to see that most of our assumptions about what it takes to run fast or injury free are not correct and there may be a better way.

Here’s the teaser:

Why is it that most runners’ legs turnover at 90 to 95 cycles / minute; both the local fast guys running 15 minute 5K’s and the Olympians and World Record Holders running sub 13:00 minute 5K’s.  What’s going on here? If it’s about stride length; if that’s the difference, then why are the world class runners usually in the 5″4 to 5’8 range ? What is tensegrity? Why should bones bend? What is the wind up effect?  What does a negative vacuum in the lungs have to do with anything?  some basics are in the link below,  but I’ll let you know how I can get you more of this information at a later date and how to download it for your own running.  Below is  some info I wrote up 15 years ago and I’ll give you the latest coming up.

more to come from the book by Ralph Havens, PT, OCS, IMTC ; certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner

Run For Free – How to Download the Components of Running Biomechanics for immediate results


Box on the Wall Day – Donation Based Therapy Session – Matrix Energetics

July 14, 2010

Box on the Wall Day

Donation based Matrix Energetics Treatments

Thursdays 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Mission Hills Physical Therapy

928 Ft. Stockton Dr. Suite 201

San Diego, CA 92103


Matrix Energetics – The Science and Art of Transformation

Matrix Energetics is an amazing healing and transformation modality that works in the expression of subtle energy physics and the concepts and laws of quantum physics, superstring theory and Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance. It was invented by Dr. Richard Bartlett, D.C., N.D., who is both a chiropractor and a naturopath.

Matrix Energetics begins with the assumption that our bodies are made of nothing but light and information. Therefore, it is possible to create extraordinary healing effects upon the body, very simply, if you can suspend your disbelief and open your mind up to new possibilities within the morphogenetic field.

619.543.1470 Read the rest of this entry ?


Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Myositis, Environmental Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A Matrix Energetics and Integrative Medicine / Therapy perspective

July 13, 2010

From Ralph Havens, certified Matrix Energetics Practioner


Many labels and if you look thru the medical literature and treatment options one thing becomes clear.  Doctors and health professionals don’t know what it is and sure don;t know how to make it go away.

I’m going to start with a success story from one of my former clients.  I say former because I haven’t seen her in almost a year but she has sent me a few emails of what she noticed after our sessions.  I treated her with Matrix Energetics 3 sessions, then 3 more which were mostly going over her home program.

Here is the first email I received from a woman who was on permanent disability from chronic pain, environmental sensitivities, anxiety and depression among other ailments.  She was in her 50’s

Below is the description I wrote up about my experience with you and

Matrix Energetics.

I’m excited about the changes in my life!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written November 16, 2009:

= Miraculous


I have been a seeker of many types of transformation for as long as I

can remember.  In August of 2009, I was getting ready for a trip to

Italy and was concerned because I had a number of physical conditions

that made traveling difficult.  I wondered what to do and who to see.

My intuition told me to go see Ralph Havens P.T. I had been treated by

Ralph about 6 years prior and thought he may be able to help me again.

My concerns this time were:

•   Back pain, especially when sitting for longer than ½ hour

(sometimes less).  This was very pronounced when sitting in airplane

seats even on short flights and the trip to Italy would be 15 hours!

(was I out of my mind to consider it?)

•   Pain in both shoulders:  I was unable to carry anything over my

shoulders like a shoulder strap purse that weighed more than one pound.

•   Groin pain when doing certain Yoga moves.

•   Neck pain

I only had time for 3 appointments with Ralph before my trip.  The first

was on August 31st 2009.

I wasn’t really convinced that just 3 treatments would do any good but I

decided to give it a try.   On the first visit Ralph didn’t seem to be

doing much, just holding his hands on, over and around me in various

ways.  However I had a sense of total trust that whatever the heck he

was doing, was a good thing, so I just relaxed and went with the flow.

I later found out he was doing Matrix Energetics.

At first, I just felt deeply relaxed and then, very unexpectedly, my

body began to move on its own.  Wow!  I knew something amazing was

happening.  I didn’t know what and I didn’t care because I just knew and

trusted that it was a good thing.

On the way home, after the first treatment I felt euphoric.  Everything

seemed different.  I was happier, more at peace.  The sky was intensely

beautiful.  Something wonderful was occurring!

On the next few visits my body responded to the Matrix Energetics by

moving in some very dramatic ways.  I just let it move where it

wanted….a strange but agreeable experience.  Ralph said that some of the

things my body was doing were like advanced Qigong moves.  I wouldn’t

know, as I’ve never taken Qigong.  Also some movements occurred as if my

body were in a Chi machine.  Cool!

The movements periodically continued outside of PT as well.  It was

rather humorous to be watching TV and start moving spontaneously.  My

husband didn’t know what to think!

After the 3 treatments, I was off to Italy.  I made it on the 15 hour

flight without significant pain.  Yes I still needed pain pills and my

TENS unit, but I MADE it!  That may not sound like a miracle, but to me

it certainly was.  The longest plane trip I had previously been on was

only 6 hours. Even with pain pills and TENS, I was in significant pain

in the past.

While in Italy, I was able to carry a small backpack filled with

groceries for about 45 min.   Another miracle!  I hadn’t been able to do

anything like that in years without significant shoulder, neck and/ or

back pain

I also had times of pure, intense joy, so lovely and unexpected that

tears came to my eyes.  The joy did not have so much to do with anything

in particular that was going on, it was, rather, coming from a place

deep within me.  I have suffered from depression for many years, so this

was an amazing gift.  I’m tearing up with gratitude as I type this.

After returning from Italy, I scheduled more appointments with Ralph,

and we continued with the Matrix Energetics.

Here are some of the things I have noticed which I believe are related

to the sessions:

•   My Yoga poses are easier and I feel more flexible.

•   I have virtually no right shoulder pain.

•   Orgasms that are more intense and pleasurable than ever before

in my life.

•   I have many moments of profound joy. (more on this below)

•   The ability to go with ‘what is’ …living, experiencing and

honoring the present moment.

•   Less back pain while sitting

The lovely moments of joy that I began to notice in Italy have

continued, and occur more frequently.   It can arise at anytime,

anyplace (even doing dishes!), because it’s coming from within me and

also from an interconnectedness that is beyond me. It’s not determined

by my circumstances.

For a long time I have known, intellectually, that all the things in my

life are there for a reason and should be honored.  After the Matrix

Energetics with Ralph, however, I was able to know and experience this

on a deeper level.  One day in particular comes to mind.  I was on my

way over for a session with Ralph and I felt physically and emotionally

terrible.  I am a sensitive person.  What I mean by this is that I react

to many things in my environment in what can be considered a negative

way.  Many foods, dust, chemicals, cigarettes, perfume etc. make me feel

physically or emotionally ill.  On that day, I was reacting to something

and felt very depressed.  I said to myself, “I wish I weren’t so

sensitive!”  I immediately had an epiphany……….NO! my sensitivities are,

in part, what makes me who I am.  I would not be who I am without them

and I love who I am!  I instantly felt something flip in me and….. POOF

the depression etc. was gone.   WOW!

Ralph had taught me something, on a previous session that helped with

this process.  Which was something like:  If one feels that something in

their life needs to be changed, then ask a question like:  “How has this

been useful?”  Let it drop to your heart.  Then ask something like: “If

it were different, how would it look?”  Drop that to your heart.  Then

forget about it and let it go.  This, along with the Matrix Energetics

in general allowed me to have that profound shift.

Do I think that Ralph or Matrix Energetics has totally caused these

changes?  Yes and no.   As I said, I have been a seeker of

transformation for many years.  I see what I experience with Ralph and

Matrix Energetics to be a kind of key to a door of transformation.  I

got to the doorway but was not quite able to step across the threshold.

What I struggled to achieve before, seemed to miraculously happen with

Matrix Energetics and Ralph Havens!

Thank You!


Here is a follow up email from the same client:

Hi Ralph,

Happy New Year to you too!

Lots of changes over here.  I’m now eating only raw organic vegan food

so that’s quite a switch.  Also consuming super foods like blue green

algae.   I’ve had times of abundant energy and mental clarity and times

of extreme fatigue and brain fog.  As my oldest son, Brian, likes to

say………It’s all good!

I sat through most my acting class yesterday with very little back

discomfort (3 hour class)  A miracle!   My left shoulder is moving

easier with less discomfort……….a miracle!  I’m not taking any

herbs or supplements for anxiety or depression because I don’t need

them……..first time in many many years…..a miracle!  I’ve cleaned

out an entire drawer of many bottles of supplements that I don’t feel I

need anymore and made room for a gizmo that makes noodles out of


I’m not afraid of the future.

I’m reading the “busting loose from the money game” book.  Parts I just

start laughing (in recognition of the truth) at because I’ve suspected

things like that for a long time.  But I sense that I’m not ready to

read it all yet.  I’m focusing on my health transformation.  I’m reading

the “Sunfood diet success system”  by David Wolfe.  It’s about having

health with raw vegan food,  but also about the spiritual, psychological

roll in vibrant health.  I’m learning a lot.

My body continues to go into Matrix mode every day.

Things are shifting that I don’t know how to talk about yet.

Thanks for helping me make this shift.

How are you?

Best wishes,


And just recently I received this email from the same client:

Hi Ralph,
I hope this finds you well.  Making plans for your wedding?

I have some wonderful news concerning my 85 year old mother, Doris, who lives in Denver.
She had been having pain in her back/ legs for a long time now,  perhaps a year or so.  It became quite severe about a month ago, mostly in her legs, and in the last few weeks was getting unbearable and she was using a walker for the first time in her life. She had tried a number of treatments,  PT, Pilates, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc.  The Dr. tried steroid injections.. all of no help.  She finally was so bad that the Dr. recommended surgery which she readily agreed to……….a laminectomy and fusion.   The MRI  showed multiple causes for her issues.

I decided to fly out right away and help her.  I got here Thursday afternoon, July 1st.   It was hard to see my Mom in such a state.   Without pain meds,  she said the pain in her legs was a 10/10 and with narcotic pain meds, 8/10.  Ralph,  my Mom is a very tough lady and doesn’t usually complain about things even if I know she is in pain.  She was also really confused because of the pain meds and needed to use a walker for the first time in her life.

Let me back up just a bit now.  On the plane trip over here,  I brought along the Matrix Energetics book which I’ve had for a long time but never read.  Just reading the book,  my body started to move on it’s own in the familiar chi type movements that you noticed when you were treating me.  I decided to ask about this and wrote:
Dear God, please tell me about Matrix Energetics:
I got this message:
Dear being of the universe, there is immense pleasure in allowing what IS to manifest.  You don’t need to try to conjure up anything new, just experience what is there.  Become a beacon for all that is of the light.  It is beyond anything that you can imagine.  Let go and ask for what you wish.  The force is there to assist in ways that are amazing and sparkling with Divine energy.  The flow is in you now (more chi movements)  Feel it, use it,  enjoy it.

then I asked:
How can I use this to help Mom?
Love her where she is at.  Don’t try and change her.  Honor where she is at.  No change is possible without first honoring the person/souls process.  Be aware of helpers that come.  She has many that can be available to allow her to be free. Allow her guides to guide you.  Be open to the process.  Leave judgment at the door.
Me: thank you.

So this is the space I came to Denver in.  On Friday, July 2nd,  we had a busy day with medical appointments and I later told Mom a bit about Matrix Energetics.  I asked her if she was willing to let me try to do some work with her and she happily agreed.  I just followed my intuition re. what to do for her……went with some of the things you taught me and some energy healing work I had done in the past.  Mainly just went with the flow.

The next morning,  she didn’t take her narcotic pain pill,  only some ibuprofen.   To my amazement,  she went out into the yard with me where I was pulling weeds etc,  and sat on a little stone wall and put compost around her plants.  Later we were sitting on her porch and she looked over at me and said………..I don’t have any pain!  What?!!!!  Ralph it really was a miracle!   She went 4 more hours with no pain at all and then later in the day it came back a bit but only a 4/10.  She was walking around without her walker and even went downstairs to her basement to retrieve a folding chair to watch the fireworks!  (well,  OK, she was a day early,  but that could happen to anyone.)  lol
I can’t believe the change.  I’ve never seen such a quick turn around in all of my life!  Was is all do to the energy work?  I don’t know for sure,  but it seems to me that something miraculous happened and perhaps it’s not up to me to figure it out anyway.

We shall see what happens next!

Sending many blessings your way (for Jen too!)



So what did I do?  And did I know what the cause of her condition was?  How did she heal? Was it something I did?  What is Matrix Energetics?

What I’ve noticed with my work as a Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner is that I feel blessed to be a part of someone’s healing and transformation.  With my Integrative Manual Therapy background I could let you know what I “saw” and what I “treated” but that would just be my Ego taking credit for something or trying to make sense of a Miracle.

I can tell you that we see Miracles daily in our practice.  With Matrix Energetics we drop into the space where “it’s already done” where “miracles happen” and we let go and allow it to happen.  But we also use our intent for specific outcomes by gathering power and activating it but at the same time Letting Go of any expectation or need for anything to happen.  I know it sounds confusing but this is the world of Matrix Energetics and it has it’s explanation in Quantum Physics, SuperString Theory, Morphic Fields, Scalar Physics and spiritual traditions.

To describe it or explain it would be akin to explaining or describing Fire.  You could get a PhD in Fire but you wouldn’t know squat about fire until you actually touched it; and in that instance you would not have any more questions about “what is fire”. You would Know It on a deeper level.  This is the best way to understand Matrix Energetics – Experience it for yourself.

call or email me anything you like and I’ll do my best to answer questions for you.  Also you could email me and I could send you a newsletter about Matrix Energetics.  But please call us and we can set up a time for you to Experience Matrix Energetics!

Ralph Havens PT OCS IMTC

Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner



MVA – whiplash treatment options – Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Alternative Medicine, Energy Medicine, Matrix Energetics, Integrative Manual Therapy, Massage Therapy

July 13, 2010

After a motor vehicle accident, ( whiplash ) which type of treatment is best for you?  I have listed common and some uncommon treatment options.  What are the usual course of action after a car wreck and is there a better way for you?


Chiropractic is an alternative medical system. It takes a different approach from standard medicine in treating health problems.

The basic concepts of chiropractic are

  • Your body has a powerful self-healing ability
  • Your body’s structure (mainly the spine) and its function are related
  • The goal of chiropractic therapy is to normalize this relationship

Chiropractic professionals are doctors of chiropractic, or D.C.s. They use a type of hands-on therapy called spinal manipulation or adjustment. Many people visit chiropractors for treatment of low back pain.

NIH: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The adjustments ( high velocity manipulations) are direct stretching techniques.  After a motor vehicle accident which is basically a high velocity injury, the muscle spindle of the spinal muscles is turned up resulting in spasms.  High velocity techniques such as chiropractic adjustments further activate the muscle spindle and can actually cause a whiplash type effect.  When getting any manual therapy it is a good idea to test and re-test range of motion and pain levels to determine if the treatment did something beneficial for the client.  Just because it “pops” doesn’t mean it’s fixed.  Checking how you move and feel after the treatment is key to seeing if this option works for you.

Physical Therapy

Basic Physical Therapy involves modalities such as Heat, Ice, Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation and exercises to ease pain and restore movement and function.  Orthopedic Certified Specialists are trained in direct and indirect techniques to treat muscles, fascia and joints as well as neural tension.  My experience is that the indirect techniques work best; such as strain-counterstrain technique because as you put the injured areas on slack the muscle spindle is turned down and reset at a more comfortable resting length.  Again, testing and retesting pain, range of motion and function immediately after treatment is the best way to determine if this method is working for you.

Alternative Treatment Options are many and varied.  A partial list follows:

Reiki –

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.


Wisdom Healing Qigong is the translation of Zhineng Qigong in China.

“If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do QiGong.”
This was how Dr. Oz responded on November 1,  2007 during an interview with Oprah when he was asked out of all the health practices that one could do, what was the one practice that he would choose and recommend people practice to stay healthy. He added that Qigong reverses the aging process.

“As millions of people in China have already discovered, Qigong essentially reverses the aging process, while reducing stress, preventing illness, curing disease, and enhancing the overall quality of life.”
Master Mingtong Gu

QiGong is something I’ve practiced for years and I’ve found it amazingly effective in treatment of problems related to whiplash.  The one thing that qigong does that other methods don’t do well is helping someone tap into the “why did I have this accident”  Many times the universe is tapping at the door and giving a wake up call.  QiGong taps into the universal energy and can aid in healing on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and other etheric levels.  I highly recommend this method to anyone for any condition.

Massage Therapy –

Massage is one of the oldest healing arts: Chinese records dating back 3,000 years document its use; the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments; and Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. Today, the benefits of massage are varied and far-reaching. As an accepted part of many physical rehabilitation programs, massage therapy has also proven beneficial for many chronic conditions, including low back pain, arthritis, bursitis, fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, immunity suppression, infertility, smoking cessation, depression, and more. And, as many millions will attest, massage also helps relieve the stress and tension of everyday living that can lead to disease and illness.

I see the benefits of massage daily as I have many massage therapists as friends.  Reading thru the massage therapy journals and The Burnham Review I see that massage therapy is highly studied in medical journals and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of ailments from whiplash. Again, I recommend some of the more indirect techniques such as tuina and shiatsu but for chronic and long term problems there is a place for the more direct structural integration or Rolfing techniques.

Integrative Manual Therapy

IMT developed by Sharon Giammatteo PT, PhD has helped thousands of people from chronic conditions including ailments from whiplash and motor vehicle accidents.  IMT uses indirect techniques to assess and treat causes of the problem which could be as varied as joint, muscle, nerve as well as organs, arteries, veins, and lymph vessels and nodes as well as mental, emotional and spiritual reasons someone is still hurting.  I would recommend finding a therapist who is certified in IMT and has the designation of IMTC.  For more info on IMT and

Matrix Energetics

Matrix Energetics is an amazing healing and transformation modality that works in the expression of subtle energy physics and the concepts and laws of quantum physics, superstring theory and Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance. It was invented by Dr. Richard Bartlett, D.C., N.D., who is both a chiropractor and a naturopath.  This is the technology I now use for clients and others who are looking for true transformation on all levels; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and other.  With motor vehicle accidents and whiplash in particular, if a client has had the condition for a while and tried other techniques without help, Matrix Energetics is a way I’ve found that can shift them and get them back to healing.  We’ve got a newsletter describing it in detail at and more information can be found at; other information can be found on other posts on this blog

Ralph Havens PT OCS IMTC

Certified Matrix Energetics Practioner
