Archive for the ‘celiac disease’ Category


How old can you go? thoughts of Dr. Roizen

August 13, 2009

“Disease prevention is not the same as wellness”  a quote from Dr. Roizen of the Cleveland Clinic.  Dr. Roizen’s Cleveland Clinic has been able to reverse chronic disease in over 80% of cases; and they did it through therapeutic lifestyle change programs.  Basically teaching people to eat right, exercise and decrease stress.  Sounds simple, but in reality most Americans have no clue how to eat right.

In the current Health Care Debate, it is refreshing to hear doctors, like Dr. Roizen talking about how we cannot just insure all our citizens with our current medical system.  Our current system is just not working.  We are currently ranked 37th in the world in health care as measured by how long we live, how many chronic diseases we deal with, and infant mortality.  Our current system is not working and to merely insure all Americans and use this same system is probably not the answer.

We need to quit poisoning ourselves with our food choices. We need to be taught how to shop for food; how to cook it and how to eat it!  This is where Therapeutic Lifestyle Change programs (TLC) or FirstLine Therapy programs (FLT) come into play.  These programs have been proven to clear chronic conditions.  You can google either of those terms and see research from the National Institutes of Health on how to reverse chronic disease or go to for information.

We have TLC or FLT programs that can teach you how to put these ideas to work for you.  Twelve week programs to get you on the track to doing what Dr. Roizen recommends to reverse chronic disease and live better, longer, healthier lives.

You can listen to Dr. Roizen’s comments at

and can get information on our TLC or FLT programs at

Ralph Havens, PT, OCS, IMTC


Massage Therapy Recommendations from Mission Hills Physical Therapy

July 18, 2009

Jen T. Energy
Jen Toussant, HHP

A licensed and certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Jen Toussant is Mission Hills Physical Therapy’s recommended massage therapist. Having trained for over 1100 hours at Mueller College of Holistic Studies, and with extensive exposure to Integrative Manual Therapy’s philosophies, Jen’s bodywork is informed, intention-filled, and highly complementary to the IMT done at Mission Hills PT.

Having focused her holistic studies in Asian modalities, Jen’s specializes not only in Swedish massage, but also Acupressure, Tui Na, Shiatsu, and Reiki. She has a passion for learning and integrating various approaches to the body and wellness, so as to provide truly customized sessions that help you connect your body with the balance and well-being it deserves.

Jen is the owner of JenT. Energy, a private practice located at 3355 4th Avenue, near Balboa Park. In addition to caring for her clients, Jen has continued her involvement with education as an Assistant Instructor at Mueller College. She regularly practices Qi Gong, runs, explores gluten-free, organic cooking, and is currently tending her first garden. Prior to entering the holistic health field, Jen obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from Indiana University with concentrations in biology, psychology, education, and fine art.

Contact Jen T. Energy

Phone: 619.957.1309
Address: 3355 4th Ave, San Diego, CA 92103


Matrix Energetics – The Science and Art of Transformation – Advanced Integrative Manual Therapist Kim Burnham, MT, PhD at MHPT

January 25, 2009

Hi all

We are fortunate to be able to bring in to our clinic Kim Burnham, MT, PhD, advanced practitioner in Integrative Manual Therapy © and Matrix Energetics.

She has advanced skills in Integrative Manual Therapy with neurodegenerative disorders and vision therapy and will be working with us January 5th – 15th, 2009.  Susan at our office will be printing up her bio but I will post it at on a separate post.    Please feel free to pass this along to anyone who may need her help.

In particular people with vision problems, and neurodegenerative disorders;   Her PhD was in Integrative Manual Therapy and the results with a Parkinson’s patient.  You can go to her website   Her website has a lot of information on a variety of research and information about integrative manual therapy.

We will be taking clients for her schedule on a first come / first serve basis, but will give special consideration for people with more involved conditions.  Multiple hour sessions will be available.  Please call Susan as she is setting up Kim’s schedule and can give you more details. We may have the opportunity to have her here for 2 weeks if the client load warrants this.

This is a big opportunity to get the help people need.

Ralph Havens, PT OCS IMTC
Susan Williams, office manager
Mission Hills Physical Therapy
928 Ft. Stockton dr. Ste 201
San Diego, Ca 92103



community evening: testing your food and supplements yourself

October 15, 2008

Hi everyone,

we will be doing a community evening at the end of this month to show you all how to test your own food and supplements for yourselves. You can learn how to tell whether or not your body is able to process and eliminate foods and supplements and whether or not you are allergic to it. A good way to avoid food poisoning and allergic type reactions to foods and supplements. Hope to see you all there!

Ralph Havens

Community Evening at Mission Hills Physical Therapy

Gluten Sensitivity

∞ How to test for it.
∞ Why you might consider a gluten free diet.
∞ How to test your foods and supplements to see if they are good for you or not!

Where: Mission Hills Physical Therapy
928 Ft. Stockton Drive, Suite 201
San Diego, CA 92103

When: Thursday October 30, 2008
7:15 pm to 8:30 pm

Please RSVP to reserve a spot. We will be giving individual instructions so that you can leave with the skill to test your own foods and supplements. Feel free to bring your own supplements and we can help you test them!

Ralph Havens PT OCS IMTC

619.543.1470 to rsvp


Gluten Sensitivity Research – If you have an auto-immune problem you need to read this.

July 1, 2008

As we have been seeing a rise in gluten sensitivity and as we have been helping our patients recover their health by eliminating gluten, we have looked to the medical and scientific research on gluten sensitivity and found that a search of celiac disease shows over 14,000 research articles on this topic.

What we found in our search is that gastro-intestinal problems account for a small minority of the signs and symptoms of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Most problems related to gluten are neurological, heart, bone, endrocrine, behavioral or autoimmune in nature. In fact what we found was that most of these diseases and conditions could be called auto-immune diseases and implicate gluten sensitivity as a probable cause.

We have seen remarkable recovery from even severe cases of pain and disability from osteoporosis within 3 weeks of adherence to a gluten free diet (GFD). I have a case right now of a patient who was unable to be up for more than one hour at a time due to severe pain as a result of osteoporosis. She is after 3 weeks of being gluten free, reporting the ability to be up for the entire day, until 4:30 pm, and told me on her last visit that “it’s not that bad anymore”. We will continue to work with her to help her achieve her goals but her improvements in function are very good to this point.

We have the benefit now of having the research presented in a concise manner by Dr. Thomas O’Bryan, DC, chiropractor and nutritionist who has done a wonderful job of compiling the research and presenting it in a user friendly way. You can watch his webinar at and clicking on Dr. Thomas O’Bryan’s June 10th, 2008 presentation.

This is important information for anyone dealing with chronic problems or diseases, especially any auto-immune problems. Please let everyone you care about know about this webinar and feel free to email me for any further information you may need. You can regain your health!

Ralph Havens, PT, OCS, IMTC
